Category Archives: travel writing

An Unconventional Summer in Skyline Park

One very memorable time I truly felt that “YES!” feeling inside was when I taught an education course under a tent in Skyline Park in Denver. I’m writing about this experience now in part because of a book I’m reading … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Downtown Denver, education, Heather Boylan, learning curve, lessons, Metro State College, pixie dust, Skyline Park, teacher education, teachers who travel, Teaching in the Park, travel, travel writing, traveling with Heather, travelwithheather, Uncategorized, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Motorbike Reality Check

I witnessed a horrific motorbike crash yesterday. The driver was going to pass a taxi on the right (we drive on the left here, and passing in this way is totally normal); the taxi swerved right to avoid a car … Continue reading

Posted in accident, aging, Asia, blogging, education, Heather Boylan, Indonesia, lessons, motorbike, reality, reality check, scared shitless, shocking, southeast asia, teacher education, travel, travel writing, traveling with Heather, travelwithheather, Uncategorized, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

My crazily fantastic journey to Sumatra via Jakarta: Not for the faint of heart

When I returned to Bali in October I reunited with some good friends and started kicking travel ideas around. One thing I’d missed (and I felt it was a BIG miss) was Sumatra – particularly Lake Toba. Many of my … Continue reading

Posted in Asia, Heather Boylan, Indonesia, Lake Toba, lessons, Medan, southeast asia, Sumatra, teacher education, teachers who travel, Tigaras Sumatra, travel, travel writing, traveling with Heather, travelwithheather, Uncategorized, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments