Where would I be if I hadn’t broken every rule in the book? Hell, I think I threw away the book when I was five. Nothing about me or my life was ever normal or done by the rules. My lack of normalcy and ability to follow the rules affected everyone around me, including my parents, who I tortured for 21 years before “growing up” a bit. Who am I kidding? I’ve never grown up!
When I look back on all the sh*tty mistakes I’ve made in my life – those that put my body and soul in perilous danger – I am thankful to still be alive. But this feeling goes much deeper than that.
Not only am I thankful to be alive, I’m thankful for all the “wrong moves” I made along the way. Without them, who would I be today? Where would I be? Would I have the same amazing network of friends and family? Would I have the opportunities I have?
Looking back, those “wrong moves” were more a series of “teachable moments” – opportunities to learn some of life’s most wonderful and harshest lessons. And boy, were some of those lessons harsh.
Today I am thankful for the way my life has turned out. It’s looking pretty good right now.
I wish I could take credit for that title, but alas, it is from a kick-ass song by Poi Dog Pondering.