Tag Archives: scared shitless

Motorbike Reality Check

I witnessed a horrific motorbike crash yesterday. The driver was going to pass a taxi on the right (we drive on the left here, and passing in this way is totally normal); the taxi swerved right to avoid a car … Continue reading

Posted in accident, aging, Asia, blogging, education, Heather Boylan, Indonesia, lessons, motorbike, reality, reality check, scared shitless, shocking, southeast asia, teacher education, travel, travel writing, traveling with Heather, travelwithheather, Uncategorized, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Risk-taking or the Art of Being Scared Sh*tless

This morning even after a decent night’s sleep I feel like my guts are twisted into a bow fit for a Christmas Lexus. I’m scared sh*tless. Questioning everything in a life that’s been predictable and comfortable for so long has the … Continue reading

Posted in aging, DePauw, education, Indonesia, lessons, pixie dust, scared shitless, shocking, snowboarding, teachers who travel, travel, travelwithheather, Uncategorized, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Holy learning curve, Batman!

So, who remembers the first day they tried to do something that was completely new? Skateboarding? Skydiving? Reading? Balancing a checkbook? Driving? Child birth? We all can dredge our mental archives for a “first time” experience that threw us into … Continue reading

Posted in aging, counter culture, education, lessons, novice snowboarder, peer pressure, professional blogging, scared shitless, shocking, snowboard instructor, snowboarding, snowobarding, teachers who travel, travel, travelwithheather, Uncategorized, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments